
Becky hasn't done much with her personal pages either.  But she's certainly been busy.  She's been taking care of Isaac this summer when he was out of school.  Playing lots of Yahtzee (not online though), building lots of Lego with Isaac and helping him work in his activity book... just to name a VERY few.  When she's not doing that she's keeping the house and doing a wonderful, selfless job.

She's recently taken an interest in pregnancy and it's "consuming" a lot of her free-time now.  We'll put some more information on the site when she gets back to me with the information she wants to share.

Oh, and Becky loves games.  That's the main reason for the games section on battworld.  Well, she doesn't just love games, she's really good at them.  In fact we were playing Taboo last weekend at a friends house and she gave the most winning hints for the ladies team (6 in one turn).  Card games, board games, you name it... she wins a lot!